September 7, 2023 ‐ 3 min read
XOROS is a modern operating system that is designed to run on embedded devices, such as point-of-sale (POS) terminals, kiosks, and self-service machines.
The architecture of XOROS is designed to be modular, extensible, and secure. The operating system is built on top of the Linux kernel and uses a microservices architecture to provide a flexible and scalable platform for developing applications.
The following diagram illustrates the architecture of XOROS:
The XOROS Symbiote is a service that acts as the core orchestrator of the XOROS operating system.
The Symbiote is responsible for managing the following aspects of the device that XOROS is running on:
The XOROS Display is a service that is responsible for managing the display of the device that XOROS is running on.
The display service is responsible for:
XOROS Display currently supports the following UI rendering technologies:
The XOROS Application Gateway is a JSON-RPC server that allows applications to communicate with other components of the XOROS operating system.
It is a service that runs in the user space and is managed by Systemd.
The gateway acts an application state-machine and is also responsible for managing the lifecycle of applications, handling application requests, and forwarding them to other XOROS components.
The XOROS XFS (based on LibreXFS project) is a service that acts as a hardware abstraction layer that provides a unified interface to the hardware components of the device that XOROS is running on.
The XFS is responsible for managing the hardware components of the device, such as: